GOFREP is a Mandatory Ship Reporting System, adopted by the IMO (MSC.139(76) and MSC.231(82)), in accordance with SOLAS Regulation V/11. 

The sea areas in the Gulf of Finland are monitored jointly by Finland, Estonia and the Russian Federation. 

The Traffic Centres monitor shipping by radar and AIS and provide 24 h information service in the Gulf of Finland.

Helsinki Traffic monitors the area north of the Central Reporting Line 



Tallinn Traffic monitors the area south of the Central Reporting Line and west of longitude 26º30’ E 



St. Petersburg Traffic monitors the area East of longitude 26 º30’ E and south of the Central Reporting Line 



Ships of 300 gross tonnage and over are required to participate in the mandatory ship reporting system. 

Ships under 300 gross tonnage are required to report in circumstances where they:  
a) are not under command   

b) are at anchor in the TSS 

c) are restricted in their ability to manoeuvre; or 

d) have defective navigational aids. 

Ships under 300 gross tonnage are encouraged to listen to the relevant VHF-traffic channel.


GOFREP is an information service. The Traffic Centres provide shipping information related to the safety of navigation, for instance navigational warnings and information about traffic, weather or ice conditions. 

During the period when the Gulf of Finland is covered by ice, ships reporting to the Traffic Centres will receive information on the recommended route through the ice as well as the name of the icebreaker and its working channel. 

During difficult ice conditions the traffic separation schemes in the Gulf of Finland, or parts of these schemes, may be temporarily withdrawn. Information about the decision is given in daily ice reports and navigational warnings. 


Vessels failing to report in accordance with the reporting requirements, that are neglecting the carriage requirements of AIS according to SOLAS chapter V(19) or are violating the COLREGs, are reported to the  relevant flag state.  


Vessels report to the Traffic Centre whose area they are entering.  

The language used for communication shall be English, using the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases, where necessary.  

Ships are required to maintain a continuous listening watch on the appropriate traffic channel as long as they are navigating in the GOFREP monitoring area.  


Helsinki Traffic
  • Ch. 60 working channel 
  • Ch. 80 alternative channel 
Tallinn Traffic
  • Ch. 61 working channel 
  • Ch. 81 alternative channel 
St. Petersburg Traffic
  • Ch. 74 working channel 
  • Ch. 10 alternative channel 

2.2 AIS

Vessels are requested to ensure that their AIS information is updated before entering the GOFREP area, since they may partly fulfil reporting requirements through the use of AIS.  


Designators used in the Gulf of Finland Mandatory Ship Reporting System 


A                          Vessel’s name, call sign and IMO identification. MMSI may be reported. 

C                          Geographical position by two 6 digit groups; or 

D                          bearing and distance in nautical miles from a clearly identified landmark 

E                           True course in three (3) digit groups 

F                           Speed in knots with one decimal   

H                          Time (UTC) and point of entry into the reporting area 

I                            Destination and ETA 

O                          Vessel’s present draught in metres with one decimal 

P                           Hazardous cargo onboard, IMO main classes and quantity in metric tonnes 

                             with up to two decimals.   

                             The quantity in classes 1 and 7, if any, shall be reported separately. 

Q                          Brief details of defects or restrictions of manoeuvrability 

R                          Description of pollution or dangerous goods lost overboard 

T                           Contact information of agent in the Gulf of Finland 

U                          Vessel type and length 

W                         Total number of persons onboard 

X                           Characteristics and estimated quantity of bunker fuel for ships carrying more 

                              than 5,000 tons of bunkers and navigational status. 


A Full Report is given on departure from the ports in the Gulf of Finland or at the latest when entering the GOFREP area. 

A Short Report is given to the Traffic Centre when entering its area every time vessel is crossing the reporting line.   

Vessels are required to inform the Traffic Centre when there is a change in the vessel’s navigational status. 

Vessels in a convoy led by an icebreaker or receiving direct assistance from an icebreaker are not required to submit a Short Report when they cross the reporting lines. The icebreakers report the names of the vessels, which they are assisting, and the relevant VHF working channel. 

It is not necessary to report to the Traffic Centre whose area the ship is leaving. 


A Full Report is given on departure from the ports in the Gulf of Finland or at the latest when entering the GOFREP area. 

A Full Report consists of designators A, C or D, E, I, O, P, T, U, W and X. Vessels may additionally be requested to report designators F or H. 

Most of the information for the Full Report can be collected from the AIS information.

Ships are encouraged to give their Full Report in advance by nonverbal means (e-mail). Information can also be given by verbal means (VHF) when entering the traffic area. 

A Full Report given by nonverbal means should at least consist of the following designators: A, I, O, P and W.

Example of a nonverbal Full Report: 

  • Name of ship: M/S Example 
  • Call sign: OIOI 
  • Destination: Helsinki 
  • ETA: 01.01.2011/0100 UTC 
  • Draught: 8.3 meters 
  • Dangerous Cargo: IMO cl. 3, 5 and 8, total 55.5 mtons. IMO cl. 1.4S, total 0.5 mtons. 
  • Persons onboard: 12 


Example of a verbal Full Report: 

The AIS is operational and updated with correct information.

Information given by VHF: 

  • Name of ship: M/S Example 
  • Dangerous Cargo: IMO cl. 3, 5 and 8, total 55.5 mtons. IMO cl. 1.4S, total 0.5 mtons.
  • Persons onboard: 12 


The ship has to give a Short Report to the Traffic Centre when entering its area every time it is crossing the reporting line.   

Short Report is always reported verbally on VHF to ensure that the ship is listening to the correct VHF channel. 

It is not necessary to report to the Traffic Centre whose area the ship is leaving. 

A Short Report consists of the following information: Name of ship and the present reporting line. 

Example of a Short Report: 

  • M/S Example entering the area at the Central Reporting Line.


(All positions in WGS84) 

Western Reporting Line: 

The Western Reporting Line is drawn from   

1) Bengtskär L/H (59°43.4'N 022°30.1'E) to   

2) 59°33.3'N 022°30.0'E to 

3) 59°10.0'N 021°30.0'E to 

4) Kõpu Peninsula. 


Western part of the Central Reporting Line: 

The western part of the Central Reporting Line is drawn through the midpoints of the separation zones of the traffic separation schemes off Kõpu, Hankoniemi Peninsula, Porkkala and Kalbådagrund to position 

59°59,15'N 026°30,00'E.

Geographical points: 

1) 59°05,88'N 021°40,08'E 

2) 59°07,59'N 021°42,44'E 

3) 59°11,49'N 021°51,92'E 

4) 59°24,51'N 022°24,80'E 

5) 59°28,01'N 022°33,80'E 

6) 59°30,01'N 022°44,80'E 

7) 59°43,85'N 024°17,97'E 

8) 59°44,42'N 024°21,78'E 

9) 59°45,21'N 024°28,81'E 


Eastern part of the Central Reporting Line: 

10)59°45,91'N 024°31,43'E 

11) 59°46,50'N 024°35,76'E 

12) 59°49,97'N 025°06,87'E 

13) 59°50,41'N 025°10,76'E 

14) 59°52,84'N 025°39,90'E 

15) 59°53,33'N 025°45,79'E 

16) 59°54,28'N 025°51,46'E 

17) 59°59,15'N 026°30,00'E

The eastern part of the Central Reporting Line is drawn from the point   

1) 59°57,00'N 026°30,00'E to 

2) 60°05,00'N 026°30,00'E   

3) 60°08,90'N 026°49,00'E.  

4) 60°10,30'N 027°10,90'E  to   

5) 60°12,00’N 027°17,60'E. 

In the area between points 2) and 3) the line follows the borderline of the Russian territorial sea and the outer limits of the Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). 

In the area between points 3) and 4) the line follows the limits of the EEZ of Finland and the EEZ of Russia. 


National reporting lines: 

Outer limits of Finnish national VTS areas: 

1) 59º44,45'N 022º50,20'E 

2) 59º40,50'N 022º50,20'E 

3) 59º40,50'N 023º22'.30'E 

4) 59º42,00'N 023º33'.00'E 

5) 59°55,50'N 024°43,50'E 

6) 59º58,20'N 025º20,00'E 

7) 59°59,50'N 025°44,50'E  

8) 60°05,60'N 025°43,00'E  

9) 60°10,30'N 026°39,00'E  

10) 60°12,10'N 026°45,90'E 

11) 60°12,00'N 027°17,60'E  

12) Borderline of Finnish and Russian territorial sea


Reporting line between St. Petersburg Traffic and Tallinn Traffic 

1) 59º28,00'N 028º03,00'E 

2) 59º37,00'N 027º38,00'E 

3) 59º46,00'N 026º33,00'E 

4) 59º57,00'N 026º30,00'E 


Väinameri reporting line 

1) 59º06,00'N 022º35,00'E

2) 59º14,00'N 023º31,00'E


Outer limits of Tallinn VTS: 

1) Ninamaa Cape (59º28,40'N 024º21,60'E) 

2) 59º29,50'N 024º20,00'E 

3) 59º30,50'N 024º20,00'E 

4) 59º40,00'N 024º30,00'E 

5) Tallinn madal L/H (59º42,70'N 024º43,90'E)

6) Keri L/H (59º41,90'N 025º01,40'E) 

7) 59º41,90'N 025º12,30'E 

8) Loodo Ots (59º34,70'N 025º12,30'E) 

9) Uitro Spit (59º32,50'N 025º08,60'E) 


Baltic Sea Waste Fee

In the Baltic Sea region, a waste fee is always charged from vessels during port visits. MARPOL I, IV and V waste may be left at ports without an additional fee, as the obligatory waste fee also covers the reception of these types of waste. Delivering this waste at port is highly recommended, as the Baltic Sea is classified as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area. Vessels should notify the port of their waste at least 24 hours before arriving at the port or, if the journey will take less than 24 hours, no later than when leaving the previous port. More information is in the Baltic Sea Waste Fee brochure.


Helsinki Traffic


+358 (0)204 48 5387 

+358 (0)204 48 5388

All phone calls will be recorded.


E-mail: gofrep@fintraffic.fi 


VHF: 60 (80) 

Tallinn Traffic


+372 6 205 764

+372 6 205 765


E-mail: gofrep@transpordiamet.ee


VHF: 61 (81)

St. Petersburg Traffic


+7 812 380 70 21 

+7 812 380 70 81   


E-mail: gofrep@rsbm.ru


VHF:  74 (10)